HTML attribute: disabled #
::: section-content
The Boolean disabled
attribute, when present, makes the element not
mutable, focusable, or even submitted with the form. The user can
neither edit nor focus on the control, nor its form control descendants.
Try it #
::: section-content ::: iframe ::: {.output-header .border-rounded-top}
HTML Demo: disabled #
Reset :::
::: {#warning-no-script .warning-container} ::: warning The interactive example cannot be shown because JavaScript is disabled. ::: :::
::: {#warning-mathml-not-supported .warning-container .hidden} ::: warning The interactive example cannot be shown because MathML is not supported by your browser. ::: :::
::: {#editor-container .editor-container .tabbed-standard .hidden .border-rounded-bottom editor-type=“tabbed”} ::: {#tab-container .section .tabs} ::: {#tablist .tab-list role=“tablist”} HTML
JavaScript :::
::: {#html-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“html” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#html-editor}