
<data>: The Data element #

::: section-content The <data> HTML element links a given piece of content with a machine-readable translation. If the content is time- or date-related, the <time> element must be used. :::

Try it #

::: section-content ::: iframe ::: {.output-header .border-rounded-top}

HTML Demo: <data> #

Reset :::

::: {#warning-no-script .warning-container} ::: warning The interactive example cannot be shown because JavaScript is disabled. ::: :::

::: {#warning-mathml-not-supported .warning-container .hidden} ::: warning The interactive example cannot be shown because MathML is not supported by your browser. ::: :::

::: {#editor-container .editor-container .tabbed-shorter .hidden .border-rounded-bottom editor-type=“tabbed”} ::: {#tab-container .section .tabs} ::: {#tablist .tab-list role=“tablist”} HTML


JavaScript :::

::: {#html-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“html” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#html-editor}

New Products:

  • Mini Ketchup
  • Jumbo Ketchup
  • Mega Jumbo Ketchup
::: :::

::: {#css-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“css” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#css-editor} data:hover::after { content: ’ (ID ’ attr(value) ‘)’; font-size: 0.7em; } ::: :::

::: {#js-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“js” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#js-editor} ::: ::: :::

::: {#output .output-container}

Output #

::: :::

::: {.section .console-container .hidden aria-hidden=“true”}

Console Output #

![] clear console

::: {#console .console} ::: :::

::: {#html-output .output .editor-tabbed} %html-content% ::: :::

Content categoriesFlow content, phrasing content, palpable content.
Permitted contentPhrasing content.
Tag omissionNone, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Permitted parentsAny element that accepts phrasing content.
Implicit ARIA rolegeneric
Permitted ARIA rolesAny
DOM interfaceHTMLDataElement

Attributes #

::: section-content This element's attributes include the global attributes.


This attribute specifies the machine-readable translation of the content of the element. :::

Examples #

::: section-content The following example displays product names but also associates each name with a product number.

::: code-example [html]{.language-name}

<p>New Products</p>
  <li><data value="398">Mini Ketchup</data></li>
  <li><data value="399">Jumbo Ketchup</data></li>
  <li><data value="400">Mega Jumbo Ketchup</data></li>

::: :::

Result #

::: section-content ::: {#sect1 .code-example} ::: iframe ::: ::: :::

Specifications #

::: _table #

Specification #

HTML Standard
[# the-data-element]{.small}


Browser compatibility #

::: _table Desktop Mobile

       Chrome    Edge   Firefox   Internet Explorer   Opera   Safari   WebView Android   Chrome Android   Firefox for Android   Opera Android   Safari on IOS   Samsung Internet

data 62 ≤18 22 No 49 10 62 62 22 46 10 8.0 :::

See also #

::: section-content

::: _attribution © 2005–2023 MDN contributors.
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v2.5 or later.{._attribution-link} :::