<data>: The Data element #
::: section-content
The <data>
HTML element links a given piece of content
with a machine-readable translation. If the content is time- or
date-related, the
element must be used.
Try it #
::: section-content ::: iframe ::: {.output-header .border-rounded-top}
HTML Demo: <data> #
Reset :::
::: {#warning-no-script .warning-container} ::: warning The interactive example cannot be shown because JavaScript is disabled. ::: :::
::: {#warning-mathml-not-supported .warning-container .hidden} ::: warning The interactive example cannot be shown because MathML is not supported by your browser. ::: :::
::: {#editor-container .editor-container .tabbed-shorter .hidden .border-rounded-bottom editor-type=“tabbed”} ::: {#tab-container .section .tabs} ::: {#tablist .tab-list role=“tablist”} HTML
JavaScript :::
::: {#html-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“html” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#html-editor}
New Products:
- Mini Ketchup
- Jumbo Ketchup
- Mega Jumbo Ketchup
::: {#css-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“css” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#css-editor} data:hover::after { content: ’ (ID ’ attr(value) ‘)’; font-size: 0.7em; } ::: :::
::: {#js-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“js” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#js-editor} ::: ::: :::
::: {#output .output-container}
Output #
::: :::
::: {.section .console-container .hidden aria-hidden=“true”}
Console Output #
![] clear console
::: {#console .console} ::: :::
::: {#html-output .output .editor-tabbed} %html-content% ::: :::
Content categories | Flow content, phrasing content, palpable content. |
Permitted content | Phrasing content. |
Tag omission | None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory. |
Permitted parents | Any element that accepts phrasing content. |
Implicit ARIA role | generic |
Permitted ARIA roles | Any |
DOM interface | HTMLDataElement |
Attributes #
::: section-content This element's attributes include the global attributes.
This attribute specifies the machine-readable translation of the content of the element. :::
Examples #
::: section-content The following example displays product names but also associates each name with a product number.
::: code-example [html]{.language-name}
<p>New Products</p>
<li><data value="398">Mini Ketchup</data></li>
<li><data value="399">Jumbo Ketchup</data></li>
<li><data value="400">Mega Jumbo Ketchup</data></li>
::: :::
Result #
::: section-content ::: {#sect1 .code-example} ::: iframe ::: ::: :::
Specifications #
::: _table #
Specification #
HTML Standard
Browser compatibility #
::: _table Desktop Mobile
Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari WebView Android Chrome Android Firefox for Android Opera Android Safari on IOS Samsung Internet
62 ≤18 22 No 49 10 62 62 22 46 10 8.0
See also #
::: section-content
- The HTML
element. :::
::: _attribution
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Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v2.5
or later.