
<embed>: The Embed External Content element #

::: section-content The <embed> HTML element embeds external content at the specified point in the document. This content is provided by an external application or other source of interactive content such as a browser plug-in. :::

Try it #

::: section-content ::: iframe ::: {.output-header .border-rounded-top}

HTML Demo: <embed> #

Reset :::

::: {#warning-no-script .warning-container} ::: warning The interactive example cannot be shown because JavaScript is disabled. ::: :::

::: {#warning-mathml-not-supported .warning-container .hidden} ::: warning The interactive example cannot be shown because MathML is not supported by your browser. ::: :::

::: {#editor-container .editor-container .tabbed-standard .hidden .border-rounded-bottom editor-type=“tabbed”} ::: {#tab-container .section .tabs} ::: {#tablist .tab-list role=“tablist”} HTML


JavaScript :::

::: {#html-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“html” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#html-editor}::: :::

::: {#css-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“css” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#css-editor} ::: :::

::: {#js-panel .section .hidden tabindex=“0” role=“tabpanel” aria-labelledby=“js” aria-hidden=“true”} ::: {#js-editor} ::: ::: :::

::: {#output .output-container}

Output #

::: :::

::: {.section .console-container .hidden aria-hidden=“true”}

Console Output #

![] clear console

::: {#console .console} ::: :::

::: {#html-output .output .editor-tabbed} %html-content% ::: :::

::: {#sect1 .notecard .note} Note: This topic documents only the element that is defined as part of the HTML Living Standard{target="_blank"}. It does not address earlier, non-standardized implementation of the element. :::

Keep in mind that most modern browsers have deprecated and removed support for browser plug-ins, so relying upon <embed> is generally not wise if you want your site to be operable on the average user's browser. :::

Attributes #

::: section-content This element's attributes include the global attributes.


The displayed height of the resource, in CSS pixels{target="_blank"}. This must be an absolute value; percentages are not allowed.


The URL of the resource being embedded.


The MIME type to use to select the plug-in to instantiate.


The displayed width of the resource, in CSS pixels{target="_blank"}. This must be an absolute value; percentages are not allowed. :::

Usage notes #

::: section-content You can use the object-position property to adjust the positioning of the embedded object within the element's frame, and the object-fit property to control how the object's size is adjusted to fit within the frame. :::

Examples #

::: section-content ::: code-example [html]{.language-name}

  title="Title of my video" />

::: :::

Accessibility concerns #

::: section-content Use the title attribute on an embed element to label its content so that people navigating with assistive technology such as a screen reader can understand what it contains. The title's value should concisely describe the embedded content. Without a title, they may not be able to determine what its embedded content is. This context shift can be confusing and time-consuming, especially if the embed element contains interactive content like video or audio. :::

Technical summary #

::: section-content

Content categoriesFlow content, phrasing content, embedded content, interactive content, palpable content.
Permitted contentNone; it is a void element.
Tag omissionMust have a start tag, and must not have an end tag.
Permitted parentsAny element that accepts embedded content.
Implicit ARIA roleNo corresponding role
Permitted ARIA rolesapplication, document, img, none, presentation
DOM interfaceHTMLEmbedElement

Specifications #

::: _table #

Specification #

HTML Standard
[# the-embed-element]{.small}


Browser compatibility #

::: _table Desktop Mobile

         Chrome    Edge   Firefox   Internet Explorer   Opera   Safari   WebView Android   Chrome Android   Firefox for Android   Opera Android   Safari on IOS   Samsung Internet

embed 1 12 1 Yes ≤12.1 ≤4 4.4 18 4 ≤12.1 ≤3.2 1.0 align 1 79 1 No ≤12.1 ≤4 4.4 18 4 ≤12.1 ≤3.2 1.0 height 1 12 1 ≤6 ≤12.1 ≤4 4.4 18 4 ≤12.1 ≤3.2 1.0 name 1 12 1 ≤6 ≤12.1 ≤4 4.4 18 4 ≤12.1 ≤3.2 1.0 src 1 12 1 ≤6 ≤12.1 ≤4 4.4 18 4 ≤12.1 ≤3.2 1.0 type 1 79 1 No ≤12.1 ≤4 4.4 18 4 ≤12.1 ≤3.2 1.0 width 1 12 1 ≤6 ≤12.1 ≤4 4.4 18 4 ≤12.1 ≤3.2 1.0 :::

See also #

::: section-content

::: _attribution © 2005–2023 MDN contributors.
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v2.5 or later.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/embed{._attribution-link} :::